Mael's Kitchen

Mael's Kitchen
Arroz con Pollo

Meal Calendar

  • Arroz con Pollo - 18 Jan
  • Chuletas Criollas - 19 Jan
  • Corn Bif - 20 Jan
  • Spaghetti & Meatballs & Eggplant - 25 Jan
  • Green Chile Chicken - 26 Jan
  • Pernil - 27 Jan
  • Meals must be ordered at least one day in advance. To reserve your meals, call 675-2894 or sent your request via email to:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Name this Meal!

Don Mael's Chicken with no name
I saw a picture and I liked it.  I read a recipe but did not agree with it.  I prepared the dish according to the recipe and did not care for it.  What do I do?  I did a cooking school, to achieve the following:  Change the recipe but not the picture.  Several attempts later this was the result.  I will prepare this dish on 7 Sep.  Those of you who get to enjoy this dish will need to give it a name.  What shall we call such delightful and delicious chicken stew.  The winner will be treated to any meal on the calendar when scheduled.  Dinner for 4 on me.  Now let me give you some clues.  It's counterpart hails from Chile, South America.  It did not respond well to wines but blends well with peanut butter like chicken mole, has imported dark beer in it and was prepared in a Boricua kitchen.  It's a blend of Caribbean, Mexican, Chilenean and Bavarian flavors.  4 people have already tasted this original dish and one of them also had it in a Empanada.  The initial reviews were very good.  I invite all to participate in this meal and submit your name entries to crown it with an appropriate name.  Until then, it remains "Chicken without a Name".  Buen Provecho!

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